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Weekly Report #9


This week was spent trying to brainstorm for the original work and hopefully getting interviews. Luckily, I was able to get a phone interview with Dr. Lisa Clayton, an adult and adolescent psychiatrist. I was a bit upset that it was not going to be face to face, but was still glad that it would still be an informative session. The reason for this deviation from a Forensic Psychiatrist was due to a goal to interview a few other psychiatrists from different Psychiatry subcategories to see jobs from a different perspective.

As for my original work, it was a struggle to come up with an idea that was exciting to me. As the week was coming to a close, there was much nervousness in coming up with what to do as nothing had quite jumped out. However, thankfully, while writing the research assessment this week, an idea surfaced to create patient diagnoses and evaluations from the mental illnesses and case studies read about so far. Also, over the weekend, another idea had developed to evaluate these diagnoses step-by-step from recent forensic cases and come to a conclusion about the differences between the evaluation of an evaluee and the treatment of a patient, since this is a topic of confusion when people first learn about Forensic Psychiatry.

This next week, the goal is to get more interviews! I will continue to utilize the same strategy from last week, but maybe try calling more during the morning time or right after school to see if more professionals are able to pick up then. Also, a goal is to research real-life forensic cases rather than the hypothetical cases given from the research articles. I will try to find articles that utilize less bias and are more credible via Mackinvia or Google Scholar, but if that is unsuccessful, efforts will be made towards normal google articles found online that seem less partisan.

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