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Weekly Report 2


This week in ISM, we were introduced to the importance of professional dress and having a LinkedIn and professional email. In addition to this, we finished presenting speeches and continued diligently working on the career outlook assessments. One of the two things I was looking forward to the most was presenting the speech and hearing the constructive criticisms from peers. After giving the speech, there were still ten seconds to spare, which was slightly worrying at first, but my classmates had told me that if I had spoken a bit slower (since it seemed a bit rushed), the time limit would have been reached. Otherwise, they said the speech seemed well prepared and the hand motions were being used in a constructive way, so I was relieved. The other thing I was looking forward to do was beginning research on Forensic Psychiatry, which was achieved by working on the assessment. There was much to learn about the overall outlook of my topic and I was even able form a pathway for additional research to be done on it. Two of these include the importance of criminal law to the work of a Forensic Psychiatrist as well the various ethical duties that pertained to one. This serves as a good transition into my more specific research, instead of diving headfirst into a topic without knowing the important, relevant details.

One thing that came as a struggle this week was time management. I was spending too much time on one assignment, which led to less time spent on other work. This week, I plan to have a schedule allocating time among different assignments and trying to finish homework on the day it is assigned. On top of that, I hope to work towards building my professional online LinkedIn profile and looking into colors that would fit with my overall professional theme.

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