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Interview Time

Weekly Report #28

4/8/19 to 4/14/19

This week had definitely been productive in the aspect that I was able to finish many goals from the week before. This had included attending a mentor visit and speaking to Dr. Vats about the final product and brainstorming questions to ask, as well as finish 90% of the research phase. However, I still need to interview the patient over the next couple of days. The game plan is to finish research by Wednesday, and then interview her on Thursday or Friday. This will be done by utilizing all of class time on Tuesday wrapping up the research, as well as continuing to spend 2 hours every day working on the project.

On top of this, I need to begin planning my final presentation speech and signing up for a class to present in. The goal is to sign up for the date and time at the beginning of class on Tuesday and then spend small portions of final product time looking at previous speeches and perfecting what I have now, as well as adding on to the presentation. On top of this, many updates need to be made to the website, which has not been updated in a long time. The plan is to utilize a part of this weekend to make sure that everything is up to date. I have decided on this time to occur at around Saturday night as I have checked my schedule and seem to have free time then.

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