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Weekly Report 1


As I begin my first official week of junior year and start to get accustomed to the stresses that it typically brings, my thoughts waver towards ISM. When I applied to this course, I knew it would allow me to not only confirm if my current passion was taking me in the right direction, but to also realize what I could do with these interests. With this in my mind, my goal for the week was to take whatever we learned in class and what was assigned to us seriously because I knew it would create a strong basis for the weeks to come.

This week in ISM, we slowly started navigating our way around our topic of study by first finding a quote to guide us throughout the year, and generating a mission statement that would clearly define our purposes and goals. After this, we were assigned to come up with an introductory speech to be given the following class about ourselves, and to end the week, we tried figuring out which databases could best be used for our research and how to store all that information. Out of these things, one thing that caused me to reflect on myself the most was the speech. As simple as the task had originally sounded, it was a struggle for me to lay out my thoughts the way I was most satisfied with. This caused me to discover something about myself that had not entered my mind before: fear of failure. I was trying too hard to formulate the “perfect” speech by trying to place specific words in a certain way, rather than just speaking straight from my experiences, as I should. Therefore, my goal for next week is to deliver my speech and be open minded to the constructive criticisms my classmates and teacher provide me with. I truly hope that through this I can get a better idea of what I need to focus on when delivering a speech.

In addition to public speaking, one thing that circulated around my mind was how difficult it is going to be to find a Forensic Psychiatrist willing to mentor me. I remembered my health science teacher telling me last year how the career field of psychiatry in general is a very seclusive field, since it deals with a person’s mental health, and thus highly respects patient confidentiality. Therefore, I plan to research more into this information and develop a strong background knowledge of it. As I enter my second week of ISM, I remind myself to stay positive amid my swirling, hectic thoughts, and just take advice from my quote:

“Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move on with your life.” -Dr. David Burns

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