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Rough Draft

Weekly Report #29

4/15/19 to 4/21/19

This week had definitely been slow, especially with the upcoming four-day weekend and last-minute tests and projects being flung upon us from other classes. However, many things were still able to be accomplished, like most of the research as well as begin to brainstorm questions to ask the patient during the interview. This week, however, will definitely be the more busy week with trying to get the rough draft of the research paper done by this week.

The way that I will try to accomplish this is by setting aside time to work on it for at least two hours right after school after getting home. This is because that is the time I will be the most fresh and more willing to actively work towards it, rather than later at night. This way, there will be no need to be stressing out over accomplishing all the ISM tasks if they have already been done. Another goal for this week is to attend another mentor visit with Dr. Deepti Vats. I will confirm with her tomorrow over a date and time that would be best for her, yet also be beneficial for me. The plan for this visit is to hand her my ISM binder so that she can go over it and give me some feedback on it. I will also be sharing my website with her, so hopefully some feedback would be received on that end, too.

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