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Round 2

Weekly Report #17


This week had been very eventful, with numerous things that were accomplished. Three of the biggest ones were finally turning in the original work, going on the first mentor visit (turned out to be more of an observation), and presenting a semester’s worth of work at the research showcase. Reflecting on the mentor visit specifically, it was a very special and unique experience sit down during an actual medical staff meeting and a real evaluation with a criminal (two things I would have never experienced otherwise). This really gave much insight to one day in a field that currently piques my interest, and it can definitely be said that my passion for it had not died down. As for the showcase, it was definitely memorable to interact with those in the community and gauge their reactions when explaining something especially intriguing that was learned from certain experiences thus far and answering any questions they may have.

With the biggest events of the first semester over, my head is now fully concentrated on the second. The goals for this week, thereby, are to begin brainstorming different ideas for final product and schedule a second mentor visit. The plan to accomplish this is by researching specific areas of Forensic Psychiatry to see if there are any current ideas in the field that are gaining traction. For the second goal, the plan is to order my schedule for the next month to see when I will be able to meet, further specifying certain dates. We are also in the midst of discussing dates for a court case that he offered me to sit in on, so I will discuss that with him in more detail as well.

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