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Weekly Report #12


This week was busy spent scheduling interviews and preparing for the research presentation at the end of the week. After presenting and watching the video for my presentation, it was realized that although I was able to pull through with the time limit and present the information in a knowledgeable manner, there were still a few aspects to needed to work on, like the clarity and readability of the audiovisual aid, the habit of looking at the screen or the floor whenever I was trying to word something a proper way, and using filler words of “um” and “like.” This made me realize what parts of presenting that needed more attention for future presentations, as I had never really observed myself as an audience member.

Continuing forward, the goal for this week is to find a case to research for Original Work that is truly interesting, so that it can be incorporated into future interviews when asking for advice. The way to achieve this is to start by simply googling various real-life and hypothetical cases involving mentally ill criminals committing harmful acts towards society. Once there is a narrowed-down list, the plan is to then research these cases specifically on Mackinvia and Google Scholar to finally come to a conclusion for the best one to look into. This is how I plan to spend half my class period over the next week. The other half will be spent finalizing and finding and cold-calling more professionals in hopes for an interview. This will be done by setting aside a specific list of Psychiatrists at home, and then coming to school to contact them. I will try calling a few professionals towards the beginning and towards the end of class to determine which time seems to work best when calling professionals and setting up a system over the next class periods based off of that.

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