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Work in Progress

Weekly Report #10


This week was definitely busy spent finalizing ideas for original work and scheduling a third interview! The week had even started off by putting together the ISM binder and it made me realize how much work had already done so far this year. In regards to the original work, it was satisfying to finally come up with an idea that was interesting to work on. However, I was still a bit hesitant on the specifics on how to completely pull it off. Even though there is an idea in mind and written down on the paper, it still seems as if it could be easily brought down. This is why I am taking the extension of the due date of the original work as a great way to go back and review it, as well as get advice to improve upon it. The plan to accomplish this is by scheduling a conference with my ISM teacher to get feedback, and get tips and improvements from the upcoming interview this Monday with Dr. John Talmadge.

Next week, the main goal is to prep for the research presentations the following week. Knowing the hours spent preparing for the first five-minute interview, I know that much time will be spent trying to perfect this one. Hopefully, since I am more comfortable with those in my class now, it will not be as nerve-wracking presenting in front of them, and will know more about spending time wisely preparing for it. Therefore, the plan is to put aside forty-five minutes everyday this week to make the slides and prepare the speech next week. Hopefully, these time limits will urge me to be more productive during the given time.

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